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A few of our close Friends

The Rausch's & Danielle
Mindy, Danielle, Dustin, Randy in 2003

Good Buds!
LongTime Ohio friends
Dana, Sharon, Randy, Mindy, Dan, Craig

Edie & Barbara's Surprise Birthday Party!
Ilan, Bob, Billy, Edie, Steve, Janet, Dan, Pat, Barbara

Danielle & Auntie B
Danielle the Cat with Auntie B
Auntie B, Susanne, Edie
Auntie B, Susanne, Grandma Edie

Jane, Susanne, Trudy's Mom, Danielle, Zara, Trudy
Erica & Kevin break from chores while Cindy (the real boss, on porch) admires their work
Jane, Susanne, Trudy's Mom, Danielle, Zara, Trudy

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